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標題說明了一切啊 XD

Giant rabbit given back to pet shop
after eating new owners out of house and home

A GIANT rabbit was bounced out of her new home after she proved too much to handle for her owners.

Roo, a European giant rabbit, was bought for £129 by a couple who live on a large farm.

But she ate them out of house and home - and then started munching their furniture.

The couple were so exasperated that, within a few days, they returned Roo to the pet shop where they bought her.

Staff at the Pets At Home shop in Elgin, Moray, admitted Roo is a bit of a handful.

Tracy Simpson said: "Her new owners thought they were buying an animal similar to a cat who would come and sit on their lap and quietly move around the house.

"But Roo isn't like that. She's full of life and because her teeth never stop growing, she likes to munch on things. That didn't go down well."

Roo gets through a kilo of kale and copious amounts of hay and rabbit nuggets every week. She also feasts on cauliflower, carrots and broccoli.

Pets At Home assistant manager Brian Smith said: "On paper, this couple were ideal. They had the space and the time for Roo.

"But she turned out to be a lot more boisterous than they expected."

There is a happy ending for Roo, however. A shop worker who has grown fond of her has agreed to give her a home.


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